Monday, December 19, 2011

Following Pocahontas to Victory

So I really love this video.
It's awesome.

I love the beginning how it shows the view of the sky as it comes up over the clouds. Sometimes life is like that. We see life and its like we're stuck in the clouds (or the Benicia fog). We can't see too far and it seems sometimes like you'll never get out of it or that it will ever leave and you'll just be in the fog forever.
But we can rise above it. Everytime!
 Sister Tucker and I used to sing "Just around the river bend!" to each other when nothing seemed to be going right because it's always true! Even on the worst day, there is something amazing coming our way, if we choose to be positive and are proactive and have faith, Heavenly Father will open up a way for our righteous desires and dreams to actually happen!

I've seen it happen again and again on my mission, and when I was at home too.
Even this week Sister Carron and I were able to see amazing things happen, but it was after we had done a lot of waiting and praying and working. Hard work always helps!

One of my favorite talks from April General Conference is this talk,
"More than conquerors through Him that loved us." By Paul V. Johnson.
I've always loved that phrase; 'conquer', that's a good strong word, and we can conquer our trials through Christ.
Elder Johnson used several examples of people who overcame difficult hardships and then received great blessings. He said, "Time after time we see marvelous blessings on the heels of great trials."

I know that is true. Life is tough; it's meant to be because if we want to be one who is a conqueror, we need a feat to conquer. And when we turn to Christ and ask for His help, and have faith that He will answer, He will be that guiding light at the end of the tunnel or around the river bend. Be of good cheer!