Friday, September 23, 2011


I love stories about people overcoming challenges. One of my favorite feelings is that heart flying feeling when you hear about people who have made a difference while overcoming their own personal struggles.
So I love American History (I know I'm from D.C.; I can't help it!). I love the heroes who sacrificed and stood their ground when they have every reason not to. Whether the red coats were coming or their own brothers of the same nation were rebelling, there are a lot of strong people who helped organize, defend and maintain this country and what it stands for.
One of my favorite people is Abraham Lincoln. Of course. One of the things that really sticks out to me is how many times he failed. Can you imagine being beat so many times whether in school or politics and over and over again picking yourself back up? He had people tell him he couldn't do it.
I think at one time or another we all face what seems to be defeat, or rejection. I wanted to share something that I've learned, is that no one can define us. We have the ultimate choice to react to our situations. President Lincoln is a wonderful example of that because not only did he try again and again but he made his situations positive. When we are faced with  negative comments from others or fail to feel our own self worth we need to, "Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God (Doctrine and Covenants 18:10)."
When we truly understand that the Son of God, the greatest of all, partook of the bitter cup and "finished [His] preparations" for us, we cannot feel worthless. Each one of us has a Divine Nature as children of God and we have great capabilites. We will face trials. We will face opposition. We may even face deception, rejection or betrayal by those we trust. As we choose to react positively and to never ever ever give up, we will be able to accomplish our greatest potential.
There is a difference between pride or arrogance, and confidence that you are of great worth. Your opinion matters. Find comfort through prayer and focus on the good that you can do.
Abraham Lincoln was faced with rejection and persecution, but he finally became President after many attempts. While many fought against him, he made a great impact that still carries on. We each have that same power to choose to overcome, fight against great odds and make an impact for good, because of the One, Jesus Christ, who said, " grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things becomes strong unto them (Ether 12:7)."

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