Friday, February 24, 2012

Every Crazy Color

"I think that a misconception that I had, that a lot of people have is that God is boring. It's through skateboarding and remaining prayerful that I found out the complete opposite; I realized, He's given us everything we love. Every crazy color, feelings, emotions, rushes of adrenaline, everything that inspires you, gets you pumped and excited is directly from Him."

-Kevin Fedderson

Best Quote! I totally agree. Did you ever think that our joy and God's joy is connected? Did you ever think that a snowboarder could be a spiritual man or that a skateboarder would have morning scripture study and actually like it?

Well I wanted to put these videos together in one place. The Gospel isn't just for the little old lady crossing the street, or the raving enthusiasts or the holy rollers. It's for all of us! It's for the "straight-edge" and the rebel, the class clown and those who fall under the radar. It's for the brilliant and the uneducated, Donald Trump and the average joe.
It takes all of us together, and it's what helps us tick. Whether or not you think its your cup of tea (or hot chocolate), it's the only pure truth there is; all that's up to us is whether or not we'll drink it. So bottom's up!

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