Saturday, March 3, 2012

Dirty Windows

Sometimes, especially in this culture, we try to pin the blame on others. Why did they do such a bad parking job, don't they know how to keep their kids quiet, what is their problem?!?!
But I guess the tougher question is, what is our problem?
One of my favorite President Bunker quotes is this, "When Christ was at the 'Last Supper' with the 12 apostles and He told them that one of them would betray him, what did they say? Was Peter thinking, 'I bet it's Judas, he is such a jerk.' No! They responded by saying, 'Lord, is it I?'"
When faced with a difficult circumstance, it can be natural to take the approach of satisfying our pride and ego to say, it's their fault. But it takes true humility to realize our own inadequacies.

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