Friday, March 16, 2012

The Joseph Smith Papers

Well this blog post is for my new friend Michael, the pastor, whom my companion and I met today when we were out knocking on doors. Of course, anyone who is interested in learning more about Joseph Smith is definitely free to check it out. 
I offer my testimony that I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. With a sincere heart, he reached out to our Father in Heaven with the intent to find truth. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ did appear to him in answer to his heartfelt question of which church is right? They replied that none on the earth had all of the truth, but through him They restored the Gospel of Jesus Christ, in its fulness to the earth. The Spirit has witnessed that many times to my heart and I invite everyone to find out for themselves. The Savior and His Gospel are the source of true happiness!

Also another Favorite, which I definitely encourage:
Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the Restoration movie 

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